Rtist Creative Platform is proud to announce its collaboration with HP Malaysia in a groundbreaking project that brings together art and technology. We have joined forces to create an extraordinary collection of artworks featuring the talent and creativity of our 10 featured designers from Rtist! 🎨
10 Featured Designers x HP ZBook Firefly
1) Designer Name : Hui Wah
Portfolio : rtist.co/utm/HPcampaign_Huiwah
Design Concept : The HP Book Firefly laptop is a hidden gem with useful features like long-lasting battery and portability that makes it an excellent companion for exploring nature now, not only in cities. It inspires human ingenuity and imagination to no end while also leading you in the direction of more exciting discoveries.
2) Designer Name : Melinda Wong
Portfolio : rtist.co/utm/HPcampaign_messyvoices
Design Concept : My Design Concept: Our own creative minds are always creating things called imagination. With imagination, it is boundless and limitless, hence I portrayed the colourful world that is in my mind, coming out from the laptop as the HP ZBook Firelfly G10 allows my imagination to come to life!